These are the droids you’re looking for – LEGO add to BOOST enabled range

Droid Commander range incoming

The Danish outfits latest addition to their ever expanding empire of  Star Wars stuff comes in the guise of this, the Star Wars BOOST Droid Commander. Mixing up analogue and digital play, you get to build one of three Droids of choice from the 1,177 pieces inside the box.  Combining this physical and digital play into the R2-D2, the Gonk Droid and Mouse Droid gives that satisfying brick building then, as the set is BOOST enabled, it can be coded to create a whole new experience an immerse yourself into Droid Commander mode. Download the LEGO BOOST Star Wars app, and  , together with the droid you’ve built, solve 40+ missions using the drag-and-drop coding environment. You’ll be waiting until 1st September though and it’ll set you back £179.99.

R2D2 BOOST(ed)
Gonk BOOST(ed)
Mouse BOOST(ed)

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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