Toy people all over the place

This week saw the great and the good in the world of play all gathering together, some say they had meetings, sounds fairly serious, but it is when suppliers and buyers blend together after hours the real work begins. Up in Harrogate, UK, the independents were out with their flexible friends snapping up show offers at the Toymaster event. An annual affair organised by this buying group where they are treated to some of the finest evening entertainment in the business, this year, the highlight, an band made up from people in the business and called Toy Division. So, that’s where the great went. The good were sent over to the licencing show in Las Vegas, a huge deal for bigger wigs at the more corporate end making deals, toy campanies agreeing to make products based on TV/FIlms, BBQ firms doing branded units with celebrity chefs, pop star agents looking for people to make bedding with their clients face all over it, you get the idea. This is where they send the good because, well it is Vegas, so, they end up leaving a little battered and bruised, and not so good any longer, for a few days at least. Next week we’ll be at the DISTOY event in London seeing a few of our International toy friends and then to BlogOn UK in Manchester to check out some new toys and schmooze with some of the finest Instagrammers in the land. finally, a date for your diary is International Day of Play this June 11th, worth a visit to their website and see what you can get involved in, keep playing people.



About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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