The Entertainer did a decent Xmas advert, follows up with a bit of research into “kid speak”

Worry not GenZ we aren’t about to spill the beans on your speak, we people of a certain age sound simply ridiculous when we even try and use the words Rizz, Slay, Sigma and Lit in any kind of conversation and, well, we don’t even do it for fun anymore – that time has passed, you are welcome to your slang. However, there is an issue according to research from The Entertainer (whose Xmas ad is up there in our top three and published further down for your viewing delight) with parents and gift-givers understanding of Generation Aplha and truly understanding what they’re after when it comes to toys with an almost unforgivable 30% buying the wrong thing due to a “misunderstanding” of the toy request. The retailer have released their A-Z “Toyminology” guide (lovely name that) and it is HERE is all its PDF glory for you to read/share and absorb so you can get down with the Alphas and know your Hug-a-Lumps, Squishmallows and Fugglers and further make requests to specific requirements amongst these plush brands.

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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