Stuff for when it is Scorchio

Trending on social media today #hottestdayoftheyear is likely the talk of the water-cooler where real people gather and beer gardens across the nation shall fill up at lunchtime and early evening, our obsession and reaction to the weather is unsurpassed anywhere in the world. Don’t wait around for the washing up liquid bottle to go empty so you can get squirting, this Super Soaker Bottle Blitz is our compact H20 blaster of choice, fill the included bottle and pump/spray with decent distances, the bottle can be replaced with a big one litre empty bottle so you can keep going for longer.


Up the scale a little and we’ve the Floodfire, it can hold a decent enough amount of water for skirmishes but comes into its own when back at base (near the hose pipe). Plug your water source straight into this blaster and deliver a constant stream against your adversaries, a dead-cert way of getting the kids to water the plants.


The STR75 is accurate at delivering its stream to around 20 feet or so. Load up with 4 AA batteries and drop your water in the tank and squeeze that trigger. A truly satisfying machine and only available from WindDesigns where they’re a touch over £20 and very few left.



It is of paramount importance to have an arsenal of H20 projectiles to hand, an immediate drenching is delivered, redering the opposition open-mouthed momentarily. These new balloons from Zuru are the dogs undercarriage and you can fill 100 of them in a minute. Take your £6.99 and spend with Smyths.


And then, after a hard day at it, time for more sedentary pursuits perhaps? Wet Head combines the thrills of Russian Roulette (with non of the mortal danger), the hilarity of Pie Face (without the whipped cream) and ensures the wearer looks like some hybrid of Doc from Back to the Future and Bob the Builder. Spin and pull the pin(s) – one will randomly release the liquid contained in the blue tank above onto the victims head. Tales of ketchup, syrup and other such liquids being used have surfaced of late. £19.99 from HERE


About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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