The Winners of the 2019 Outdoor Toy Awards have been announced with Thames & Kosmos, Chad Valley and Rollplay amongst the triumphant. Last weekend we had a load of Toyminators of all ages gather in South East London to put this year’s shortlisted selection of outdoor toys to the test.
The team at Kidzcoolit were on hand to assist in managing proceedings, but, the chaos which was widely anticipated when a load of outdoor toys were put into a playing field with the eager testers immediately ensued. Both kids and parents put all of the toys through some serious testing before the final selections were made.
“Thanks to the kids for taking their tasks so seriously and the parents who attended for discussing, at length, with us and their kids, their favourites and the reasons behind their choices – some superb insight was gained” said Peter Jenkinson, founder of the awards. “Next year, we’re planning the 2020 as a big celebration ahead of the Tokyo Olympics to get everyone in the sporting spirit”.
The winners of the Outdoor Toy Awards 2019 are:
Climbing and Adventure – Chad Valley Mud Kitchen
Outdoor Sports – Pressure Games – Countdown
Flying Toys – Thames and Kosmos Ultralight airplanes
Ride On – Rollplay Monster Truck
Trampolines & Inflatables – Sportspower 12ft Quad-Lok Trampoline with Easi-Store Folding Enclosure
Pre-School – Trybike from Hippychick
Science and Nature – Learning Resources 5-in-1 Outdoor Measure-Mate
Outdoor Games and Play – Aerobie ring 13 inch
Battle & Blaster Toys – Supersoaker Hydra
Houses, Tents & Hideaways – Feber Castle