Kidult market set to soar in 2024

Recent data from those in the know and the fodder on offer at recent Toy Fair’s suggest that not only does the Kidult market have 25% of toy sales in the UK 9a little less on the continent) but that, with major manufacturers sitting up and paying attention it is only going to grow. There are also a growing band of smaller specialist toy companies jumping on the trend too with toys that aren’t really meant for play but make quite splendid display pieces. The main takeaway from London and Nuremberg toy fairs is that the Kidult trend is here, it is staying, and is in rude health with 2024 bringing more for the category than we’ve ever seen. From Funko to LEGO, Hasbro and Mattel to Candylab and Restoration games there’s plenty on the way. Here’s a taster of our new website focusing on this category, a Radio5 Live interview we did on the subject and a couple of national publications we’ve wittered on about it for, all combining to show there is an appetite for this nostalgic stuff.


Radio 5 Live snippet:

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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