Hatching one mystery friend is so 2016, get with the times granddad, Its 2017, now we’re hatching two at the same time! That’s right, if you thought your days of frantically searching for a Hatchimal were over, think again. They’re back this year with ‘Hatchimals Surprise’. What’s the surprise? Well, I’ve kinda spoiled that already… It’s the two-in-one-egg thing… Sorry.
Now your new born feathered/ furry friend has an instant companion in the form of its ‘identical or fraternal’ sibling meaning way more straight-out-of-the-egg playability! On top of that, this year’s batch has two new species to uncover, Giravens and Peacats! ‘What the hell is a Giraven?’I hear you cry, I’m taking a punt at a Giraffe/Raven hybrid. Peacat? Easy, Peacock/ Cat ain’t it?
So, strap in for another year of nurturing and hatching and look forward to 2018 ‘Hatchimals Triple-Yolker!’