AIM Escape are a multi-room venue in East London who claim to have ‘Unparalleled immersion’ and ‘The most technologically advanced escape room in the UK’ – which, given I have done some pretty tech heavy rooms and on more than one occasion saved the world whilst working for a mouse spy agency, it’s a big statement to live up to.
I have a fondness for a spy theme, it lends itself well to the style of an escape room, especially a tech-based one. Spy heroes leans heavily on the tropes of the genre and has one of the best parts of an escape room I have ever done (no spoilers but it involves lots of lasers!)
The best parts of this room – including the laser section of the experience – are when it goes full spy. Secret doors, everyday objects being secret gadgets, hand scanners, control rooms and hidden codes all play a part of the room and it’s great. Even the cheesy acting is amusing enough.
Where it falls down though is in its simplicity. Yes, escape rooms have to be accessible but instead of making some puzzles harder they instead just made them longer. In general parts of the room didn’t work as intended and some puzzles looked and felt a bit broken. Wear and tear is understandable but if you promise the most technologically advanced, you have to meet a standard.
Spy Heroes is a fun room, even when being predictable or when a puzzle doesn’t work properly the overall enjoyment level is still high. It’s not a particularly challenging room, and could use some TLC and more puzzles, but you will leave with a smile.