Get those flicking fingers ready, MGA Entertainment have started an all out war and your penny sliding abilities are the only thing standing between you and victory. ‘Awesome Little Green Men’ are the latest in a long line of collectible figurines that utilise a colossal roster and a blind bag system to squeeze the most out of your pocket money. With their cute, rounded features and eclectic weaponry they do manage to scratch your collectors itch whilst bolstering one’s ranks for a pretty fun game.
I’ll say this straight off the bat. If you do not have any long tables or your entire home is carpeted, this game is not for you. The premise is simple. Each of you picks a home base, be it an apple or a lampshade and then defend it with your plastic army. You move by flicking coins from the side of your troops and moving to where it lands. The first to reach the enemy base whilst avoiding opposing troops and their coin slid bullets, wins.
This afternoon saw myself, ‘The Toyminator’ take on Peter, ‘The Toyologist’ over the Board Room table. I lost both times. Clearly I am neither a strategist or a coin flicking genius but the game play was surprisingly rewarding. Each of the different tanks, snipers, para-troopers, pilots etc have their own attack and health points, meaning a level of strategy is needed to fully utilise your powerful plethora of plastic pawns. My mistake was to always be on the attack, leaving my base open to Peter’s remarkably accurate long range coin flicking. It’s a mistake quickly learned.

With the ‘Battle Pack’ containing four troops for each side and coming in at £26.99 it’s a nice way of keeping two kids (or big kids) entertained for some time; but, I feel that to fully realise the ‘Awesome Little Green Men’ one would need a lounge with a hard wood floor and around 8-10 troops on each side. That’s when this new collectible would truly earn its self-given title of ‘Awesome’. #awesomelittlegreenmen