Aiming to prevent the annual board game feuding this year Hasbro have launched a helpline for folks and boldly aim to assist in avoiding bust-ups. Research revealed that 6pm on Christmas Day is the most likely time for tensions over the MONOPOLY board and so the bosses have set up a Christmas hotline to help out as the same research found that over half of games end in acrimony – now we can’t have that can we? Most likely caused by so-called Monopoly mavericks who “make up the rules as they go along,” was the angst amongst participants in the property trading game. Second on the list were overly smug contestants who gloat when things are going their way. And someone deliberately buying property you want, even if they don’t need it, also gets the blood boiling too – although that is a personal favourite of mine.
The hotline will be open from 24th – 26th December so get dialling 0800 689 4903 and get mediation on any game-based arguments. Experts are on hand with the official rulebooks to instantly settle any disputes and advise on how to resolve common complaints ( and an opportunity to make a donation to Childline when you call).
Lots more interesting statistics for your Monopoly insight this way……
Craig Wilkins, a big wig at Hasbro said: “We’ve found that many family bust-ups happen over a lack of knowledge of the rules, and many families have, over years, evolved their own very fragile systems of play.”
“Arguments can even break out before the game has started, with token-choice being hotly contested by a fifth of the nation – with 26 per cent of people saying their favourite is the dog.
“Our advice is to watch out for sneaky dads – the survey showed that they’re the most likely to volunteer for duty as banker, which means they’re in charge of the money.
“If you suspect your dad’s been lifting notes from the bank, or need any MONOPOLY help at all, get in touch with our experts on 0800 689 4903 between 24th – 26th December for help.”
People making up rules
People being too cocky when winning
Someone buying a property you want, even when they don’t need it
People taking too long to take their turn
Someone stealing from the bank
Someone deliberately mis-counting their move
Who gets to be the banker
The property auction process
Who gets to be which token
What the rules of “Free Parking” are
If a dice roll counts when it falls off the table
Alliances or team-making
Someone stealing from you when you go to the toilet
Someone stealing properties from the bank
Who gets to go first
Whether rolling doubles means the person gets another turn
Whether someone can withhold from using a “Get out of Jail Free” card so they can stay in jail
Who has to sit in the awkward place where the board looks upside down to them
People not handing the dice to the next person
Whether someone is allowed to deliberately get sent to jail
Trying to keep quiet when landing on an opponent’s property
Stealing money from the bank
Moving your token more or less than shown on the dice, to your advantage
Making up the rules that suit you, to someone who doesn’t know
Sneakily adding more houses/hotels than you’ve paid for
Moving the dice to land on the numbers you want
Pretending your Chance/Community Chest card is a good one, when really it’s a bad one
Fiddling the order of Chance/Community Chest cards so you get good ones
Bribing other players with real-life rewards for help in the game
Stealing properties from the bank
Navy Blues
*The Monopoly hotline is free to call from landlines and mobiles. Please check with your service provider for more details.
**The Monopoly hotline will be open from 9am – 10pm on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.