Three decades have passed since Hocus Pocus premiered, and, after way too long of a wait here is LEGO paying homage via the medium of their Ideas network to the above average film. There are 2,316 pieces and has props aplenty and six new minifigures including the iconic three Sanderson Sisters, Max, Danni, Allison & Thackery Binx as the black cat. The cottage set transforms into the Sanderson Witch Museum, just add the info-stand, the museum signage, some rope barriers, and a cash register, which can be hidden away in secret storage under the stairs. A working water wheel completes the set up, we’ve fan designer Amber Veyt to thank for bringing this one through the votes and onto the shelves. Release date is 4th July for £199.99.
Not Amber Veyt just a lady loving here LEGO Hocus Pocus set.