Pop Up Pods – The ultimate playspace

Pods - Ultimate play Spaces HIRES_Sub Aqua PODS_£999_www.podsplaymr


As kids there are some vague memories of building “dens” most of them consisting a blanket, some cushions and the minute you got under it a collapse would ensue. There are a growing number of den building kits out there, ready to assemble wigwams, campervan tents and a variety of other quick fix play spaces, all rather good. This week a new outfit decided to bring their take on the play space to market and we’re really rather glad they did, this is the daddy of pop up spaces, the detached country house end of the market rather than the mid terrace offering we’re used to – select yours from the Sub Aqua scene or go Intergalactic. These theme spaces inflate in under a minute and offer space enough to create a private space for studies or immersed in some imagination unleashing. Each Pod has built-in mood lighting which is remote controlled and, you can buy additional graphics so you can alternate between deep space and daily deep sea diving. Check them out this way

About Peter Jenkinson

Toyologist Pete Jenkinson regularly writes about toys in national newspapers like The Sun and The Mail. This super-dad has an unmatched passion and dedication for trying and testing the latest, coolest and most interesting offerings from the world of toys.

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